Topic: Characters
Our adventuring party is made up of an interestingly ecclectic group.
First up we have Burt Selleck a Doppelganger Wizard. Though his appearance changing abilities come in quite handy in a battle, Burt has spent so long changing who he is that he no longer remembers who he really is.
Next, theres Giliad Woodsoul, an Eladrin Paladin. Of noble birth in his homeland he is next in line to become its spiritual leader. As a result of a civil war, he was forced to leave. Now he travels with our adventurers always in anticipation of returning to his homeland and becoming the leader he was trained to be.
Xavien Runehouse is a Dwarf Barbarian, with brute strength and bad luck. Though he is capable of staving off attacks, on occasion he is more likely to stab himself with his spiked gauntlets than to damage an enemy.
Teriont Jenkins, an Elf Fighter, hales from a tribe of forest-dwelling wolf worshippers. He had turned to adventuring as a means of collecting the riches he so desires and maintaining a connection with his forest home.
Rounding out the group, we have Miradue Nikos, a Githzerai Druid. He journeys with the group attempting to seek out more information about the illithids who enslaved his people for so long. Perhaps, armed with the right information, and his party's assistance, he could exact revenge upon them....if only the party would stop calling him Marmaduke.